So, I have decided to stop the idea of daily blog updates. This may be a 'duh' moment, considering this post comes a week or so after my last 'daily' blog post. But here's the deal with that:
When I was writing blogs daily, I felt my posts just stunk. Basically I ended up writing them in the last hour or two of the day, so I would feel rushed to write something. But I dislike writing things if they can't help people in one of a few ways, like brighten their day by being funnier, or offer advice or encouragement, or what have you. So, combining my time-crunch and content-crunch, I felt like I was compelled to make average crap into a bigger issue. Now, I do often find bigger issues in average crap, but I've had plenty of time to mull it all over. I don't feel like my recent daily posts have been pseudo-profound or anything, but it's just the discomfort of feeling the need to come up with something. I like for thoughts to find me rather than for me to find them.
And that brings me to today's blog post. I was on facebook earlier, and a friend posted something that ended with the phrase 'easier said than done'. And I got to thinking about it, and I was combing through my imagination for situations that are easier done than said. One that immediately came to me is my situation of choosing not to return to college and try to make my way to the city and get into the music scene there. Depending on who you're talking to, it can be a pretty hard-to-verbalize feeling. Especially if they just ask questions that seem to be designed to help me avoid total doom. For example, "How will you get a good job?" or "What are you going to do?"
Though I will not turn down an opportunity to talk about it (as those who know me personally or have read my blog enough know full well), it's much harder than just doing it. To talk about it, I have to combine many personal feelings and thoughts into something another person can process. So within my statements, I have to combine my flair for the unconventional, reassure them that I'm not just trying to be lazy or rebel, discuss my views on society and how college isn't right for everyone despite the fact it's somehow our "Golden Ticket", and then toss in my philosophical and faithful views on the meaning of life and feeling the need to go be somewhere else, meeting and helping people.
Or. I. Could. Just. Go. Do. It.
Another huge situation that is easier done than said is love. It's why we're all told as boys and girls who hate the opposite sex because they have cooties, that we'll just have to wait to understand until we're older. It's why people hate that lovey-dovey couple that hang out in public all the time, because no one knows their specific species of love but them. I once heard that there is an insane number of separate versions of the common cold, and you can't be immune to a cold because there's so many different versions of it. I don't know if this is true, but it is conducive to my analogy, so we'll consider it true.
Love is like the common cold. Every single occurrence of love is different in some way from all others, either in big ways or small ways. And even if you come through a wicked strong encounter with love, after that version has run its course, you eventually encounter another one. And when you do, it's as infectious as the first version, second, third, fourth versions you encountered.
But back to the main point of this post. Don't over-complicate things you know and feel inside by trying to verbalize them to someone who can't understand like you can. I often can't explain things to my dad in a way that would make sense to him as strongly as it does for me, because he was born in a different time, raised a different way, has a different personality....endless reasons factor into the fact that any given person may not understand why you feel a certain way.
You can all probably come up with a situation that pertains to you that is easier done that said. Especially if you're an adult now, the awesome thing is that you no longer HAVE to say if you don't want to. You can just do. I know people who are adults but still let their parents run their lives. I don't mean to be morose, but what happens when parents die? Decisions are up to the decider, and will be until the decider dies. So look at it this way: Some things are easier done than said, and if you are the main person you consult for making decisions, you'll have the help of your closest advisor until the day you die.