Let's talk committment. Stay put guys, not that kind of committment.
If you're reading this, I assume that you have some dreams and some desires that guide you in life. And I'd like to say to you that you should stick to your freaking guns*.
*So long as the dreams and desires are constructive to a healthy life.
I wonder how many great things could have been, but weren't, because someone flaked out and decided that their dreams came second to a chance to have a crappy internship at the bottom of a corporate ladder, but with promise to climb? How about, how many people have missed out on their dream because their family didn't approve? Or how many people's dreams fall through because of a relationship still in the early stages of wildfire romance?
You've got a dream, and you need to follow it. Even though letting your dream die may let other people down, you'll ultimately be letting yourself down the most. Because perhaps in 10 years, you'll see yourself locked into a situation you can't escape, and that dream that was once very real and within your grasp, decided only by when you chose to reach for it, is now gone. It gets logged in the mental book you unshelve to read to yourself at night as your reminisce of the glory days.
The thing about 'glory days' is that people rarely actually encounter them. There is nothing glorious about the freedom and vigor of youth; or should I say, all people who are free, vigorous, and youthful are glorious, and thus the glory becomes the norm. Once you decide to hand all of that over for a suit, tie, respectable sedan, and a nameplate on a desk, you realize just how glorious normal youthful enthusiasm is. Youth and dreams are glorious, but once you have opted out of them, they don't become glory days. You just become passed by.
My friends have some awesome dreams.
Blog shout-out time!
One of my friends, Chelsea, who follows me (follow her!) wants to open a coffee shop because it encourages slowing down, something she says we don't do enough in life. I wanted to put a picture here, but I spent ten minutes looking for a suitable relaxing coffee house photo and couldnt find a single befitting photo. Goes to show you, she's right. People don't chill out enough. A good, accurate dream.
I have been overcome by an extreme case of laziness. I have more friends, and they have dreams. But I think you get the idea. I have another post on the idea of following dreams. Read it, and then do it.
I have been overcome by an extreme case of laziness. I have more friends, and they have dreams. But I think you get the idea. I have another post on the idea of following dreams. Read it, and then do it.
Hey, thanks. And you're right. So take your own advice and fight the laziness! I know it's hard, (for me, too!) but doable :)