Sunday, December 4, 2011

< unbridled >

Love is a mystery cocktail.  How the hell do you make one?  Because it tastes really good, and I would like to know how to make one so I don't have to call upon some sort of divine bartender to scratch my itch. 

Jokes aside, I was thinking about this and I realize it is such a big deal love ever happens.  Because here's everything that has to happen:

Person 1 has to be attracted to Person 2 physically. 
Person 2 has to be attracted to Person 1 physically. 

Person 1 has to be attracted to Person 2 emotionally. 
Person 2 has to be attracted to Person 1 emotionally. 

Person 1 has to have the qualities that Person 2 wants. 
Person 2 has to have the qualities that Person 1 wants. 

Person 1 cannot make any large mistakes when they're first meeting and getting together.  Person 2 cannot make any large mistakes when they're first meeting and getting together.

  Person 1 has to be a person who is able to pursue what they want. 
Person 2 has to be a person who is able to pursue what they want. 

Person 1 has to still be what Person 2 wants. 
Person 2 has to still be what Person 1 wants. 

Person 1 has to like Person 2 enough to jump through stupid hoops like meeting parents and going to lame parties and get-togethers with their friends. 
Person 2 has to like Person 1 enough to jump through stupid hoops like meeting parents and going to lame parties and get-togethers with their friends. 

Person 1 has to jump through stupid hoops like meeting parents and going to lame parties and get-togethers with their friends. 
Person 2 jump through stupid hoops like meeting parents and going to lame parties and get-togethers with their friends.

I could continue on but you get it.  And I'm not even up to the engagement, which can be stuffed full of difficulties and more requirements.

I'm not too sure what brought about these thoughts, but overall it's just striking me as dumbfounding.  Each time I strike out with some girl I'm interested in, I understand more clearly that it isn't easy to make this whole connection thing happen.  Perhaps if I behaved more like a frat boy it'd be easier.  In that case, I'm glad it's difficult.

All part of an ongoing lesson in how to treat people properly when I finally see them come into my life.


  1. ^reasons why i'm single. haha.
    time to take some risks. seems like it would be worth it to keep trying until love is found.

  2. It'll always be worth it. If they're not worth it when they're not around, they probably won't really be worth it when they are around.
