Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I Almost Already Blew It, Forgive Me!

It's true!  I almost forgot to post a blog today.  But I saved it, roughly 5 hours before the day ended.  Phew.

I have a post about forgiveness and, in brief, how withholding forgiveness can be as hostile as the action that brings about the conflict.

It's called I Swear I Never Meant For This.  Check it out, it's one of my blog posts about important things and not about funny things.  But it's worth thinking about, if I do say so myself, so don't let the un-funnines scare you away.

Well, in that post, I say that one of the few times I've cried from happiness was when I was told I was forgiven for something, though that forgiveness later proved to be untrue.  I continue on to say that while I thought it was legitimate, it made me feel great, like I was able to escape my ugly human nature, if only for a little while.

I don't like revising things because I have a typo or because a link is broken, or something like that.  And even more, I wouldn't like to revise something because I felt that what I said was not in line with how I really felt, since that might mean I abused my blog as a place to hurl insults or unfair thoughts that I didn't truly think, but simply spewed because of then-current frustrations.  But, I have a taste of a new need to revise, and it tastes sweet.  Like this might taste:

The new need to revise is because the circumstances have changed.  My information is out of date, and needs a makeover.  Today I was contacted by the person who played a part in that situation where I thought I was forgiven, but wasn't really.  Turns out, time has changed some things.  And I am, in fact, now fully forgiven.  I feel again like I've been able to escape some ugliness of my human nature.  It was a wonderful gift to receive, this line dropped by an old friend to tell me that I was no longer held in ill regard by them.

I don't challenge, or dare, or command you, because those all contain potential negative connotations.  I recommend you extend the gift of forgiveness to someone you're holding out on, so you can give something that can be matched by few other gifts.  And if you're being held out on, hold on a bit longer.  Your redemption may come yet.  I certainly didn't see it coming in this life.

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