Sometimes I get into a mood where I have nothing to write about but I know I want to write, so I'm gonna write about something.
I've decided to write about a few of my favorite things, and I guess I'll just do a list.
1.) Drinking blistering hot tea on a blistering cold day. Hot chocolate works too.
2.) Getting lost in conversation and forgetting that I'm writing a blog post, only to return to it a half hour later.
3.) Family on Christmas.
4.) Driving by myself through the country with music on.
5.) Imagining my future spouse and places we'll go.
6.) Wireless internet.
7.) The phenomenon of frequencies and the capabilities in music they create.
8.) Chicken and Dumplings
9.) Dogs that remember you from 10 years ago even though you've only seen them sporadically since them
10.) Drums and guitar
11.) Led Zeppelin
12.) Advances in living conditions that we have in America that many places do not have
13.) Northside Diner breakfast in Chesteron, IN. If you're ever in Chesterton, go here.
14.) Writing fiction stories, songs, poems, and blog posts
15.) Being different
16.) That sore feeling after you work out and your muscles ache the next day
17.) A good pair of slippers that are warm and cushy, especially in winter time
18.) Songs that aren't created from a popular music template.
19.) The phoenix rebirth that comes with time after a breakup.
20.) The contentment of a relationship.
21.) Praying to God like He's next to you
22.) Corny jokes and silly movies
23.) Spoons
24.) Comraderie in my band.
25.) Old friends
26.) New friends
27.) People I don't get along with
28.) People I meet and feel at home with instantly
29.) Soccer
30.) Demerol and other pain medications when you go to the hospital
31.) Getting punched for real, and being proud of the bruise
32.) Slap Club. Think Fight Club but for girls.
33.) Making Youtube videos
34.) Being random and sporadic and making a blog post out of it
35.) Facebook notifications when I get online
36.) Getting things in the mail
37.) Trying to do car maintenance. Emphasis on TRYING.
38.) Knowing I'll one day be the dad that knows lots about how to fix stuff.
39.) Looking around the room to find something else that is my favorite.
40.) Failing, and ending this post.
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